7 greatest love stories in gaming

Here are the 7 greatest love stories in gaming. Sam Prell takes us on a steamy journey through gaming’s most heartfelt romances. Brown Chicken Brown Cow.

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  1. this video could have used a bit more …. bow chika wow wowww

  2. I normally love your videos and if was a good list but I couldn't watch it all, was a good try man but you just can't pull off the voice.

  3. I see i'm going against the grain here and saying I loved the narrator, every time he said bow chicka wow wow I couldn't help but laugh.

  4. I'm I the only person who played pandora's towers. That game tells a magnificent love story. It's sort of a Romeo and Juliet story where a soldier from 1 kingdom is saved by a woman from a kingdom that his has been fighting with for 500 year. Through several flash back we are shown how the 2 interacted so the relationship feels real. The main story is this the Girl elana has been cursed and will transform into a monster unless Aerian the man you play as can kill 12 monsters hidden inside the towers mentioned in the title. Yes it's similar to shadow of the colossus but one thing that makes it stand out in my opinion is that interacting with Elana is an actual game mechanics and there are several endings. To get the best ending you must constantly interact with Elana and reassure her she is still loved. You know the way you have to treat a real person in a difficult situation

  5. With that voice you rather sound as if you are telling something creepy and not like you are talking about love stories.

  6. Uh the earliest release of FFX was in 2001 not 1998… unless that was an extension of the Meg Ryan joke.

  7. best video ever! anybody that didn't like this, clearly has no sense of humor

  8. Mass effect 3, Tali romance.
    Normandy teammate evacuation scene
    Shep:Go build yourself home.
    Tali:I'm already home.
    this made me cry.

  9. Horrible Horrible voice
    Horrible attempt

  10. Yeah you should probably just stop.. The voice is awful and this list is just awful… You know what video game has a great love story? The Darkness, fucking better than The Funky Island series, like really wtf

  11. Why didn't you mention the relationship between Jim Raynor and Sarah Kerrigan in Starcraft series?

  12. My favourite love story of all time has to be master chief and cortana. Not much is said about it or between them but once you play through all the halo games and realize the emotion in halo 4. Then how she can't lose him in halo 5 it is truly beautiful. Even now how many years after halo 4 came out I can't not shed a tear at the ending of halo 4. Because she couldn't make a man a promise, she knew she couldn't keep.

  13. Sorry, I'm a girl and found his voice to be sexy. Also, I think they need more diverse heroes and heroins. Like, why can't there be a Mayan RPG? I'd play the shit out of that. AND rescue the girl about to be sacrificed. Or maybe there be a love story or RPG about surviving in ancient Mesopotamia? Or a true-to life farmville that would actually educate people on crop rotation, soil ecology, & permaculure???? I would also totally play an RPG about Ethiopian goat herders, trying to build a flock and earn income and make families… Or being a desert dweller of some kind. Creating a settlement and working on agriculture? Or a REALISTIC viking video game that preserves the beautiful architecture & innovation of their carpentry????? idk I wish more games were emotionally AND intellectually fulfilling. Like, if they were based on historical fact or if they taught you something.

  14. B.J. Blazkowicz and Anya Oliwa from Wolfenstein The New Order.

  15. Bawm chicka bawm bawm! Love it!

  16. Stuff the haters. I loved the sexy faux-Barry White voiceover.

  17. i clicked this video only to see if To The Moon made it to the #1 of this list. i am pleased
    it's been 6 years yet still the best love story game ever made
    but holy shit are you horny or what?

  18. This narrators voice is hilarious 😀 hehehe

  19. error: there is lack of liara & Shepard here

  20. where Kerrigan and Raynor from starcraft 2?) its stories must be first

  21. Nathan and Elena should of been number 1 c'mon we all know it

  22. I always rooted for the blonde in Red Dead. Plus, I didn’t see much love from Abigail in this vid. And while the purpose of Shadow of Colossus was to get the girl back we never really saw much interaction between them. I was hoping for something like the last story or pandora’s tower. Or even final fantasy 7 or 8. 7 being Dirge of Cerberus. Vincent’s live story was much better than Cloud’s. Not even sure who Cloud’s canon love is. Personally, was always rooting for Tifa and wanted Aerith with Zack.

  23. You know his name was guybrush because the guy who colored him on the pc would save him as guy.brush
    So they came up with guybrush

  24. Da voice need to stop its killing me like cancer

  25. Ok the only thing I didn’t like about enslaved was at the end where he just chose to remain enslaved

  26. My wife tought I was watching p0rn.. I don't blame her

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