Andy and Anderson restart tradition with their first shot of the night

CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen restart their New Year’s Eve toast tradition after taking the year off last year. #CNN #News


  1. Without Kathy Griffin is boring… Not funny…

  2. Good for them…they are grown men..let them drink i am sure they had a sober drive home.

  3. I won't lie, this was an unbelievably fun way to ring in the New Year, please let them drink all they want

  4. Very responsible….happy kids could watch 😂

  5. Like listening to someone scraping their fingernails across a chalkboard.

  6. I still can't understand how they got this gig but don't appreciate televised drunkards. Or maybe society…..

  7. These guys always make me smile! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  8. The glorification of alcohol is cringe af, especially on live TV. In a few years people will look at this and say WTF?!?

  9. Hope you both rot in hell for the way you treated Kathy Griffin. Andy Cohen trash

  10. Bring back morals. This was too raunchy, specifically the other host.

  11. LMAO 🤣 I love these 2 guys together! They compliment each other soooo well, yet they’re so different! Very fun to watch 🤩

  12. Andy and Anderson restart tradition with their first shot of the night

  13. I really really enjoy watching these two together!

  14. Sweetie you’re 55 years old. You’re a father. 😅😅😅
    If y’all be wondering what 2 gay best friends be like together. This is it.

  15. Why popes & US truly hate Democracy&people

    Pope needs go into Gaza to show his faith

    When war breaks out, the most vulnerables are penniless&powerless peasants because they don't have any means to escape & have no use to invaders so they can only die, if u have money/education then u can escape or serve the invaders. Christians should save penniless peasants=>that is what communists did, so communists are true Christians.

    Peasants can only become soldiers to die in wars, if they fight for US supported army they can get higher pay, but in Chinese civil war, most peasants fight for penniless communists: because communists have obtained people's trust with their lofty holy selfless sacrifices in 20+ year fighting with Japanese =>Hard working farmers are the wisest, all those escaped to Taiwan/US were rich/educated Chinese.

    If Christians can gain men's trusts with real deeds, then the whole mankind will automatically convert to Christians without 1 church building. But smart men saw the money  beneath Christians' hypocrisy so the whole world is following money directly instead=>Churches convert men to coinians, Jesus can only emerge in non-Christian countries.

    Only communists are living among & serving people, so communists are God's true servants, not pope & Christians who forever hide in resorts & take vacations with their money.

    Following Jesus' example, if pope can take all 2.4B billion Christians with him to go to Gaza to save lives, if he is killed in action, then he will live on forever. The whole world is watching & hoping pope can come out & do something to show his faith that he is propagating, but NONE not even a fart, very disappointing: wasted the advantage of eye catching pope's crown. Pope & Famous preachers only show up in kings' & presidents' crowning ceremonies.

    The reason that pope dare not fart 1 word is because they have been propelling US & Israelis' atrocities. But if pope repent his error to God & world, then Israel will stop, which will also save pope's suicidal trip to Gaza.

    Jesus never ignore the dead, always resurrect any dead that he encounters, if popes don't practice resurrection how can they learn how to resurrect the dead.

    Only Chinese communists successfully push back beasts' advancements, all other countries fell prey to western beasts.

    Communists don't befriend/befoul with particular groups/religion/country of people but serve everyone equally=1 Corinthians 10 & Matt.5:45: God rain food & holy spirits on all even evil people=Paul was evil until received holy spirits.

    Bible&nature&universe reveal God's spirits, even though ancient Chinese never read bible but they have figured out God's holiness from God's creations, so ancient Chinese despise money & money lovers, all ancient books/literatures praise self-sacrificing good men, Marx only give Godly spirits a name=communism, because by Marx' time, Judaism & Christianity have ruined God/Jesus name by their insatiable colonizing greed&violence, so Marx avoid Christ when naming Communism but Communism is Christ in action.

    Read bible, then u will see Jesus was a doctor & savor: he was moving around & healing &  comforting people with good news of eternal life in paradise=>Chinese doctors not only treat your body also comfort u spiritually, not like US doctors as cold as their instruments.

    The other apparent reason that communists don't propagate Jesus is because Jesus was not born in China & no Chinese saw & recorded Jesus, but LeiFeng was born among Chinese. I am sure Jesus won't kill LeiFeng/communists out of jealousy as Cain killed Abel, actually, it was the reactions of the locals that they were born into that was really in sharp contrast: not only didn't communists kill LeiFeng out of jealousy but propagate his lofty selfless spirits, but Jews killed Jesus & oppressed God's selfless spirits from spreading. The 12 apostles were spreading their witnesses of God's promise's realization on Jesus=>no matter which religion/country/party are u in, if u can die selflessly for others, then u will never die. Churches & temples are doing nothing other than painting God's & Jesus' empty images.

    Jesus was sent to Israel to die & resurrected is because the promise God made to their ancestors. If Jesus came down to China, I am 100% sure Chinese will worship Jesus as God. If Jesus came down to US/West, he would suffer the exact same death as in Israel.

    I am pretty sure God sent herbalists around globe to heal people with his herbs, but only China highly cherished & honored&passed on these God-sent doctors, other countries have oppressed & killed them like they killed Jesus.

    If pastors can perform miracles/heal the sick/resurrect the dead free of charge, i.e. bring Jesus into China, then communists will surely propagate Jesus more than anybody else & become dedicated Christians.

    Even though Jesus didn't come down to China, yet Chinese created long lasting shining civilizations based on strong faith in God's agape&justice&peace&etc holy/lofty spirits.

    US/West can't tolerate China/Russia to be stronger than us, so we keep on attacking C/R. The only reason that Pharisees killed Jesus was because J was much better than them, Bible is full of stories that fathers & brothers kill each others out of jealousy because they were not chosen or favored by God: Cain-Able,Joseph-11 brothers,David-sons,Jesus-Jews etc. Jews killed all 12 apostles even after they already exiled from Israel.

    So, all God chosen ones were killed, only the unchosen disobedient Pharisees are still living on earth.

    Chinese have always been grateful & obedient to God's chosen=herblists/communists' dictators/special colleges to help geniuses/etc.

    Democracy gives unchosen Pharisees chances to be lords/presidents/idols, who are not satisfied with/grateful to Democracy alone by claiming themselves are also Christians/Jews=they are chosen by high God not u little lowly dirty ignorant stupid citizens=>so why vote if your vote is not appreciated at all?

    Religious leaders & US/West governments hate people & Democracy, because other than wars & poverty they brought no love to people, but people have given them what they want the most: money&fame&power=Even though u hate God but God give u everything & your most wanted eternal life.=>Pope & US must stop wars immediately!

    Russia sits between China & Europe, when R befriend with US, their walls/economy collapses & chaos/wars grow, when R befriend with China, they develop & strengthen themselves. US sacrifice friends & families for me alone, so must stay away from US.

    US media are the Jews shouting to kill Jesus.

    In his new year blessings, Xi encourage the world to behave the same good online&offline, but US/West brainwash every man that China originates every virus.

    In China, U will be as free as in US as long as u don't maliciously hurt anybody.

  16. They are celebrating a little early for a Trump victory.

  17. I thought CNN represented were barred from drinking on camera?

  18. Imagine if instead of donating money people donated tequila shots.

  19. I guess when you can't get your own girlfriend or wife. you gotta call jeffrey and get me one of them little girls.
    This country is sick



  22. Fourth year for me, staying in and watching these two. For some reason, I really look forward to it. My favorite was last year when I believe they po'ed John Stamos 😅

  23. Wallpaper?! lol! 😂😂🎉🎉Love you guys!❤❤Happy 2024!

  24. As fake as all your news! They probably drinking water and acting like underage school girls. What a bunch of turds

  25. Nastiness shouldn't be on tv enough gayness

  26. Cooper drinking child’s blood lol😂

  27. 去玩擺栽安看享然外看安。帶

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