[APRIL FOOL] Smash Bros Lawl Beyond – Worst Aqua Teen (The Worst Games Ever)


Okay, in all seriousness..didn’t i say there wouldn’t be an April Fools video? well, yes..but here’s the deal, all of those were serious projects i wanted to do (i feel like i can namedrop these cause they’re gonna be added to the considered list) like Chess King, Bold and Brash, Nitro Andre, hell, even doing a fakout direct..but sadly, by the time i thought of those, it was too late to make something good,which sucks since i love doing these April fools thing..but while making the “best stage ever” for my community tab and replying to comments afterwards, i came up with something…why make something serious, when i can makes a joke? so i quickly rushed this out, why did i make this? IDK, but the way this is set up is actually inspried by the older moveset of Lawl Toon and stuff..plus, this most likely isn’t gonna be cannon anyway, so who cares? all in all, i’m happy, and everyone else has something to go “what?” at or laugh at/enjoy. HAPPY APRIL FOOLS EVERYONE

oh, btw, these guys come from the game “Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Worst Game Ever”