New IDW Books | TMNT: The Armageddon Game Hardcover| 30 Days of Night Deluxe Edition Hardcover

Today I have the privilege of giving you and in depth overview of the following collected editions from IDW:

00:00 – Start
01:35 – Rose Wolves Hardcover
04:34 – Best of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Collection Vol. 1-3
13:02 – The Kill Lock: The Artisan Wraith
17:28 – Star Trek: Year Five Deluxe Edition Book One Hardcover
24:05 – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Armageddon Game Hardcover
31:09 – 30 Days of Night Deluxe Edition: Book One Hardcover
38:21 – The Art of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem Hardcover

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  1. I wonder why idw just doesn't want to give 30 days a ohc treatment. I have the omnibus and was shocked when it was manga sized. Ben templesmith is one of my favorite artists and I feel that his work doesn't ever really get a chance to shine. Wormwood is the only one so far. But its so niche that it doesn't really get to much attention. I didnt even now that it got a 2nd vol.

  2. The only thing deluxe with IDW's deluxe edition HC's is the price point.

  3. My "30 Days of Night" has a printing error. Does yours?

    Pages 267-270 and 275-278 in mine are identical.

    267-270 are between the Annual and Return to Barrow.
    275-278 are in the correct place in the Return to Barrow series.

    Page 266 is the end of the previous story. Unless there is a short story of 4 pages it just looks like those pages are added in between.

  4. Would like something like this on the idw library series

  5. That TMNT cover hits HARD! Looks awesome!!

  6. Will the tmnt idw hc collection eventually catch up to the armageddon games? They really slowed down the release of the books.

  7. IDW needs to get things sorted for Ghostbusters reprints. Those HCs would fly off the shelves especially with the new movie.

  8. Collecting graphic novels for 20 years, but still the same problem. Binding issues. I've got the limited edition of 30 Days of Night so i don't plan to buy it, but maybe others would not buy it, because of the binding…Why can't the publishers make better quality books?!

  9. Can anyone tell me why TMNT the IDW collection vol 14 is completely sold out and not in-print like the others? Can't find it anywhere for a reasonable price.

  10. Finally some tmnt content. Thank you for this

  11. Thanks Omar. Went and nabbed those 3 Turtle books. Perfect for me cuz I'm a total Turtle comics noob. Really stoked, and yeah those covers sold it for me.

  12. I like the TMNT books! Those would look GREAT on my bookshelf. Thanks Omar, and Happy Holidays to you, your family, and all the minties!!!!!

  13. Hi, Any idea/info if TMNT urban legends (V3 image reprints) will get the hardcover treatment? Wondering if I should hold off on picking up the two tpb.

  14. I love always finding new things on these videos.

  15. Can’t recommend Kill Lock enough! Feels like a dystopian Transformer story in the best way

  16. Don't feel bad Omar I haven't seen any Picard either lol

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