The most overrated TV shows of all time

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#shorts​ #TV #overrated #shows #friends #bigbang #jojos #mha #sambucha


  1. The Big Bang Theory is hilarious, you just have terrible humor

  2. Sheldon is the best and most popular character on the Big Bang Theory

  3. Don’t listen to this loser Sam and his horrible takes, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. The Big Bang Theory is one of the most funniest shows of all time. And Sheldon is the most popular character on the Big Bang theory.

  4. This is the only good opinion I’ve heard Sam make

  5. Was never into any of them. Maybe a little of South Park. Maybe.

  6. You have a terrible opinion on those shows.

  7. South park is the greatest TV show that ever existed

  8. the big bang theory and young Sheldon NOT BABY SHELDON part is not true. They are good shows

  9. for the big bang theory, it’s a great show and i love it so much. i’m not saying my opinion is better than yours of course, but i’m just putting mine out there. also, my least favourite thing about the show is actually something you said, the laugh track. sometimes, i take a moment to understand what happened that’s funny and the laughing just ruins it, but i still love it nonetheless!

  10. So what do you watch when your not crushing it in the Gym

  11. Saying south park is crazy. Easily the best adult comedy show

  12. Dd u just say big bang theory and young sheldon is ovverrated take that back

  13. He was joshing right I think Jojo pretty good

  14. "For its time" is what you are forgetting in all of these. We are so desensitized to good art now a days because we have so much at our finger tip and we over examine everything so it's now hard to see what was so good about it back then but if we go back to those moments I bet it'd be so clear.

  15. Ok the others maybe bad but the simpsons to farr

  16. Ok we have a neurological problem here

  17. the only show that is completely justify to be overrated because is a really good show is breaking bad

  18. Dudes proceeds to shit on good tv series (other than South Park and Simpson’s), and says friends seems like the better option, I could not suffer through that shit show

  19. the simpsonds i get but the big bang theory was actually pretty funny

  20. Watched only for 2 seconds and I can say his opinion is overrated.

  21. Southparks the best by far , unfiltered comedy no race is safe anyone can catch a stray😂😂

  22. I am mad that you said that about my show. It has a big fan base and it makes my character the best

  23. Okay, glad HIMYM isn't actually overrated like some people think it is. It's the only show I watch, so naturally I have bias…

  24. I was gonna unsubscribe and report you as soon as you said JoJo's

  25. MHA isn’t overrated man… 😮‍💨 people who aren’t complete utter degenerates understand its place. It’s my favourite anime rn and I’m assuming this short was made before season 6 came out

  26. Young Sheldon is better than big bang in my opinion and has no laugh track

  27. agree with everything here damn thats crazy

  28. Young Sheldon is not bad though. Underrated more likely, unlike big bang theory

  29. Why south park is great its all about making fun of people and its equal

  30. dude disrespected rick and morty☠️

  31. Bro just chose some of the most popular and influential shows of all time and said he hated them.

  32. “South Park overstayed its welcome” even though the last season was a massive hit and was talked about for the whole first half of last year…

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